learn swedish online

Nyheter - News (januari-mars 2025)

Hej! Nytt år, nya friska tag! Hi! New Year, new fresh measures!

Så, vad händer här hos oss de närmaste månaderna? So, what’s happening here at ours the coming months?


Anneli och Daniel kör lektioner som vanligt under hela våren. Anneli and Daniel offer lessons as usual during the whole spring.

Fråga oss gärna om uttalsträning och hur du kan förbättra din talade svenska. Do ask us about pronunciation training and how you can improve your spoken Swedish.


Learn Swedish. Literally.

Learn through literal English translations in a brain-friendly way. 

Decode Swedish along with Anneli, learn Swedish pronunciation and reductions, and practice Active & Passive Listening.

*Self-paced with live support*

Highly recommended for beginners!

Free Swedish Learner Toolkit

Let’s get organised!

This Swedish Learner Toolkit (PDF’s) includes:

  • a Goal Setter
  • a Habit Tracker
  • a Vision Setter
  • a Failure Pre-Mortem
  • a Weekly Planner
  • a Monthly Planner
  • a suggested Weekly Study Plan
  • a Monthly Review
  • a Revision Planner
  • a Resource Checklist

+ more tips and recommendations

Download the PDF’s, print out and start using it straight away. You get both English and Swedish versions of all PDF’s.

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