Learn Swedish in a brain-friendly way
➡️ HIGHLY recommended for beginners and beginners plus
Free downloads
Swedish Learner Toolkit
Free Swedish Learner Toolkit – This toolkit includes:
a Goal Setter, a Vision Setter, a Failure Pre-Mortem, a Weekly + Monthly Planner, a suggested Weekly Study Plan, a Habit Tracker, a Monthly Review, a Revision Planner, a Resource Checklist + more tips and recommendations.
Download the PDF’s, print out and start using them straight away.
Total Beginners Flashcards
Total Beginner 100 Items – Want to get started from scratch learning a few useful Swedish words or phrases? Join our free Total Beginners Quizlet class, with 100 beginners items that you can practice in front of your computer or on your phone (just download the Quizlet app). Practice pronunciation, memorisation, writing, spelling.
Cheat sheets as desktop/mobile wallpapers
Take a free online test to find your Swedish level!
Undrar du vilken nivå din svenska ligger på just nu?
Anmäl dig till mitt nyhetsbrev och ta testet för att se var du ligger på den Gemensamma Europeiska Referensramen för Språk.
Du får också ett mejl med rekommendationer för hur du kan förbättra din svenska.
Get your level and recommendations
Wondering what your Swedish level is right now?
Sign up to my newsletter and take our test to find out where you are on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
You’ll also receive an email with recommendations for how you can improve your Swedish.
How to learn Swedish
Min intervju i podden "Lätt Svenska med Oskar"
I januari 2024 var jag med i Oskar Nyströms podd Lätt Svenska med Oskar. Du kan följa och lyssna på hans podd på Spotify, eller via din podcast-app på din mobiltelefon.
Vi hade ett roligt och fint samtal. Här kan du lyssna på avsnittet med mig!
Walk & Talk with Let's Walk Around Stockholm
Lessons and courses
How to say ÅÄÖ + SJ
How DO you pronounce ÅÄÖ?!
The last three letters of the Swedish alphabet.
Are they just A’s and an O with some accents above?
And that hissing SJ-sound, you can just say it like a ‘H’, surely?
Let us show you what’s really going on in this introductory course ÅÄÖ.
- Videos showing exact tongue and lip positions
- Learn anatomy and how to use your Orbicularis Oris muscle
- Example words with long and short vowel sounds
- Example words with different spellings of SJ
- Instructions in English, examples in Swedish
Learn to say ÅÄÖ + SJ now
ETT-words Master List
How do I know if a Swedish noun is ‘en’ or ‘ett’?
Short answer: You don’t.
Solution: Learn the smallest group first (appr. 20% are ett-words)
Apart from a little bit of vocab learning to start, once you know the most common ETT-words, you’ll be 100% correct all the time.
You will know your ETT-words, so everything else is EN!
Get the ETT-Words Master List now to learn the 267 most common ett-words.
You’ll never have to guess EN vs ETT again!
Snacka Fritt – Konversationsträning – kom och träna på att prata svenska i liten grupp via Zoom tillsammans med Daniel.

1-to-1 lessons with Anneli / Daniel – study Swedish with us from your home. Expert guidance and clear explanations, help with pronunciation, help with building up a robust study routine.

Popular Online Courses
Now Drive We
Now Drive We – learn to think in Swedish through literal English translations, decoding, listening practice and vocabulary drilling with smart flashcards. Inspired by the Birkenbihl method.
Detailed Training Programme, Evaluation tool and Revision Planner.
Guided decoding with pronunciation training (including reductions and contractions)
Live Q&A sessions with Anneli
Exclusive access to the NDW online community
This course requires that you have the Teach Yourself Complete Swedish book.
Verbs 101 Bootcamp
Swedish Verbs 101 Bootcamp – intense 5 week bootcamp, our most popular course, where you get a uniquely designed training programme to drill in the 50 most common and useful verbs in Swedish, in all forms (250 words in total, in sentence form).
Learn/drill/memorise the 50 most common Swedish verbs in all forms (250 words in total)
Unique Bootcamp Weekly Programme with exercise circuits, Warm Up & Cool Down
Q&A videos for all verbs
Estimated weekly study hours: 5-7
100 Svenska Adjektiv
100 Svenska Adjektiv – online, self-paced spotlight course to perfect the 100 most common Swedish adjectives.
Perfect for beginners+, intermediate and intermediate+.
Includes 160+ exercises where you’ll practice adjective forms and your vocabulary comprehension.
You will be able to use adjectives and idiomatic expressions from this course in your day-to-day life.
These adjectives are essential for developing your Swedish language production.
Swedish Grammar Made Easy
Swedish Grammar Made Easy: A grammarphobe’s Guide to Swedish Grammar – online, self-paced course teaching you all you need to know about grammar.
Includes desktop and mobile wallpapers for all main Swedish grammar rules.
Perfect if you feel unsure of what for example adverbs and conjunctions are, even in English.
This course is perfect for grammarphobes and will explain in simple terms all you need to know about grammar, so you can get on with your Swedish learning!
Swedish Pronunciation Course
Gifts for Swedish language learners
Welcome to Swedish Made Easy’s gift shop, where you can buy Swedish language-related gifts for a loved one.
Or if you’re a Swedish learner, browse and put on your wish list!
Browse online course, books, funny t-shirts and lesson vouchers.
You can choose your price range, starting at $10 / £8 / €9 / 110 kr.
Psychology of Learning
YouTube shorts
Free listening training
Här finns 4 poddar med skräcknoveller från boken ‘Annikas förråd’ (skriven av Swedish Made Easy-eleven Florence Wetzel). Du kan ladda ner texten och lyssna på podden. Perfekt för lyssningsträning!
Du kan också göra en transkription/diktamen (jättebra övning). Lyssna på podden och försök skriva ner allt du hör (du får stoppa podden, gå tillbaka och lyssna många gånger). När du är klar kan du titta på texten och analysera vad du missade.
Here are 4 podcasts with short horror stories from the book ‘Annikas förråd’ (written by Swedish Made Easy student Florence Wetzel). You can download the text and listen to the pod. Perfect for training your listening comprehension!
You can also do a transcription/dictation (great exercise). Listen to the podcast and try to write everything you hear (you’ll have to stop the podcast, rewind and listen many times). When you are done, you can look at the text and analyse what you missed.
'Annikas förråd' av podden En Okänd Röst
Ladda ner texten här:
Lyssna på podden här (novellen börjar 02:54)

'Elaka barn i skyn' av podden Monsterboxen
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Lyssna på podden här (novellen börjar 02:42)

'Under sängen' av podden Skräckstunden
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Lyssna på podden här (novellen börjar 01:55)

'Som ett brev på posten' av podden Skräckstunden
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Lyssna på podden här (novellen börjar 01:42)