Du är på tidig mellannivå!
You are a Swedish Early Intermediate!
Dina resultat betyder att du är på tidig mellannivå (B1).
Du börjar kunna ha samtal lite lättare (men du kanske fortfarande känner dig lite som ett barn när du pratar!). Fokusområden på den här nivån är att öka ordförrådet, bli av med ‘dåliga vanor’ och att kunna börja korrigera dig själv lite mer när du pratar och skriver.
Det finns fortfarande ganska många nya grammatikområden som du behöver lära dig, till exempel partikelverb, perfekt particip, och några andra. Och du kommer att börja lära dig fler synonymer, vilket kommer att bredda ditt ordförråd och hjälpa dig att uttrycka dig själv bättre.
Men du behöver fortfarande öva på de gamla grammatikaspekterna från A2, som t ex plural och verbformer.
Här är SEX STEG som du kan ta för att bli bättre.
Your test results show that you’re an early intermediate (B1).
You’re beginning to be able to hold a conversation a little bit better (but you may still feel like you sound like a child when you speak!). Focus areas at this level are vocabulary expansion, getting rid of ‘bad habits’ and beginning to be able to correct yourself a bit more when you speak and write.
There are still quite a few new grammar areas that you will encounter, for example phrasal verbs, the perfect participle form, and some others. And you will begin to learn more synonyms, which will broaden your vocabulary and help you to express yourself better.
But you will still need to keep the old plates from A2 spinning, like noun plurals and the verb forms.
Here are SIX STEPS you can take to improve.
1. Anmäl dig till NOW ROLL WE
Learn Swedish. Literally.
Learn through literal English translations in a brain-friendly way.
Perfect for late beginners and early intermediates.
Decode Swedish along with Anneli, learn Swedish pronunciation and reductions, and practice Active & Passive Listening.
*Self-paced with live support*
- Training Programme
- Guided decoding
- Active and Passive Listening
- Smart (literal) flashcards
- Live Q&A's
- Exclusive online community
- Continued access to lives and all materials
- Learn while you giggle

2. Om du tycker att verb är svåra, anmäl dig till Verbs Bootcamp
Swedish Verbs 101 Bootcamp
Nail the most important verbs once and for all!
Our popular 5 week intense bootcamp course. Follow our unique training programme with exercises circuits to nail 50 verbs in all 5 forms.
*Intensive course with deadline*
- Learn/review the 50 most common Swedish verbs in all forms
- Unique bootcamp Weekly Programme with exercise circuits, Warm Up & Cool Down
- All you need to know about the 5 main verb forms
- Quizlet lists with example sentences for you to drill
- Access to Q&A videos
- Cheat sheets and guides to the verbs and their forms
- Estimated study hours per week: 6-8 hours
- Course access length: 6 months from purchase

3. Krydda till din svenska med 100 Svenska Adjektiv
100 Svenska Adjektiv
Spice up your Swedish
Adjectives help us describe. Without adjectives, language becomes quite dull.
In this course, you will learn 100 common Swedish adjectives. You will learn the forms of adjectives (basic form, T-form, and A-form). You will also have example sentences for all forms, along with additional comments on meaning, exceptions, and suggestions for which prepositions that can be used. Plus plenty of exercises.
- 100 common Swedish adjectives
- Basic forms, T-forms and A-forms
- Examples and comments about context and meaning
- Grammar exercises
- Vocabulary exercises
- Learn 18 idiomatic expressions with colours
- All instructions in Swedish and English

4. Förbättra ditt uttal med Tone Your Swedish
Unlock Swedish pronunciation and melody
Our comprehensive course, Tone Your Swedish, unlocks the secrets of impeccable pronunciation, authentic Swedish rhythm and intonation, and the ability to speak Swedish with finesse.
*Comprehensive framework*
- Unique MRI videos for muscle coordination training
- 70+ videos with guidance and practice
- All 18 vowel sounds
- All 25 consonant sounds
- Stress, melody and advanced pronunciation training
- Study in your own time from home
- Audio in Swedish with English and Swedish subtitles
- Downloadable PDF's for anatomy and pronunciation guidance
- Vowels and Consonant sections now available to buy separately

5. Börja prata med Snacka Fritt
Konversationsträning med support
Vill du träna på att prata svenska hemifrån?Fikar du ensam? Har du ingen att prata svenska med? Fixa en kopp kaffe och kom och Snacka Fritt med oss!
I Snacka Fritt är allt på svenska, men du behöver inte alls prata perfekt svenska.
Snacka Fritt är till för att du ska kunna förbättra din talade svenska.
*Börja använda din svenska*
- Träna på att prata spontan svenska i en liten grupp online
- Träffa andra studenter från hela världen
- Daniel, svensklärare, leder Snacka Fritt online via Zoom
- Låg kostnad (£10 per klass)

6. Anmäl dig till min mejlinglista, om du vill
Tips about learning Swedish
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After that, you'll only get the odd email when I launch a new course, or offer some good discounts on my courses.
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