learn swedish online

Take a free test to find your Swedish level!

Undrar du vilken nivå din svenska ligger på just nu? 

Anmäl dig till mitt nyhetsbrev och ta testet för att se var du ligger på den Gemensamma Europeiska Referensramen för Språk för vokabulär och grammatik. 

Du får också ett mejl några dagar senare som förklarar vad varje nivå innebär och vad du behöver göra för att förbättra din svenska.

Get extra support and explanations next day

Wondering what your Swedish level is right now?

Sign up to my newsletter and take our test to find out where you are on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for vocabulary and grammar.

You’ll also receive an email a few days later to explain what each level means and what you need to work on to improve your Swedish. 

Free Swedish Learner Toolkit

Let’s get organised!

This Swedish Learner Toolkit (PDF’s) includes:

  • a Goal Setter
  • a Habit Tracker
  • a Vision Setter
  • a Failure Pre-Mortem
  • a Weekly Planner
  • a Monthly Planner
  • a suggested Weekly Study Plan
  • a Monthly Review
  • a Revision Planner
  • a Resource Checklist

+ more tips and recommendations

Download the PDF’s, print out and start using it straight away. You get both English and Swedish versions of all PDF’s.

Anneli's famous Swedish course


Learn Swedish. Literally.

Learn through literal English translations in a brain-friendly way. 

Decode Swedish with Anneli, learn Swedish pronunciation and reductions, and practice Active & Passive Listening.

*Self-paced with live support*

Suitable for beginners and intermediate

Now Drive We

Other Popular Swedish Courses

Popular digital downloads

Anneli's renowned book Complete Swedish

Do you want to learn Swedish by yourself? This is the course book you need. 

The book covers levels A1 to early B2 (beginners to upper intermediate). 

All the answers to the exercises are available in the back of the book, so you can check them yourself.

There is also free audio for this course. It’s available to download to the Teach Yourself Library app, or to stream via the Teach Yourself Library website.

You can use this book in your own, or as a complement to other courses (SFI, Folkuniversitetet, or lessons with a Swedish teacher).

The course NOW DRIVE WE is especially designed to be used alongside this book.

It’s perfect if you’ve used Duolingo for a while, but find that you need more sentence structure and grammar.

Get Complete Swedish now

Find out where you can buy it and read reviews

Private Swedish lessons

Är du intresserad av att lära dig svenska? Funderar du på att ta svenska lektioner med en lärare? I så fall har du kommit till rätt ställe.

Are you interested in learning Swedish? Thinking of doing Swedish lessons with a teacher? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Vi använder en myriad av olika verktyg när vi undervisar i svenska; kursböcker, digitala material, YouTube-videor, poddar, tidningsartiklar, musik och mer. Genom att göra detta skapar vi en spännande lärandemiljö för dig, tillsammans med robusta studierutiner.

Både Anneli och Daniel är kvalificerade SWEDEX-examinatorer, så vi kan hjälpa dig om du behöver förbereda dig för ett SWEDEX-prov.

We use a myriad of different tools when we teach Swedish; course books, digital materials, YouTube videos, podcasts, newspaper articles, music and more. By doing this, we create an exciting learning environment for you, alongside robust study routines. 

Both Anneli and Daniel are qualified SWEDEX examiners, so we can help you if you need to prepare for a SWEDEX exam.

Private Swedish lessons

Learn more about our private 1-to-1 Swedish lessons

Gifts for Swedish language learners

Welcome to Swedish Made Easy’s gift shop, where you can buy Swedish language-related gifts for a loved one.

Or if you’re a Swedish learner, browse and put on your wish list!

Browse online course, books, funny t-shirts and lesson vouchers.

You can choose your price range, starting at $10 / £8 / €9 / 110 kr.

Gifts for Swedish learners

Books, courses, t-shirts, lessons

Want to learn Swedish online?

Is this you?

“I want to learn Swedish online, or maybe do online courses…”
“I haven’t found any resources that give me a real foundation on how to actually put sentences together, because there’s so much out there and I feel overwhelmed…”
“I’d like to learn Swedish with a Swedish teacher, but I don’t want to sit in a group among other learners…”

Or maybe this is you?

“I want to learn Swedish but I don’t want to (or can’t) travel to a particular place at a particular time, so I keep putting it off…”
“I’m self-conscious and feel embarrassed when trying to speak Swedish, and as a result I don’t get enough practice; I would like help with pronunciation and confidence when speaking…”
Swedish grammar is confusing to me, and I don’t even know what an adverb or a preposition is, and therefore I feel like I can’t learn it and don’t know where to start…”

How to learn Swedish online

You can learn Swedish, no matter your age and no matter where you live. Many believe it’s impossible to learn Swedish as an adult, or that you can’t learn unless you live in Sweden. It’s not true. 

Technology = learn Swedish online

Firstly, with the help of technology you can learn Swedish online from anywhere in the world. Secondly, it’s never too late to learn a new language. One of our students only started learning Swedish in her 50’s and she’s now at the age of 60 publishing books in Swedish!

Swedish Made Easy has helped many hundreds of students over more than 15 years. What you need is guidance, tools and support, and some help navigating the learner journey.

Choose your journey to learn Swedish online

You might want to study mainly on your own, or maybe you feel you would like a teacher to help you with feedback, accountability and a study routine.

We have many options for you, from one-to-one Swedish lessons to online Swedish courses, self-study courses and an online Swedish language café. This means you can choose the perfect way for you. 

Dr Anneli Beronius Haake

swedish teacher

Founder & Director, Author and Course Creator. PhD in music psychology. Music maker & Dog Lover.

Anneli Beronius Haake

Popular blog articles

Want to expand your Swedish vocabulary?


För dig som inte är nybörjare

learn swedish online

Snacka Fritt


Fikar du ensam? Vill du träna på att prata svenska i liten grupp? Fixa en kopp kaffe och kom och Snacka Fritt på Zoom!

Swedish teacher Anneli Haake

Privatlektioner i svenska

1-to-1 via Zoom

Privatlektioner med en lärare. Fokusområden, t ex specifika grammatikproblem, läs- och skrivträning, uttal/konversationsträning, eller något annat som du behöver jobba med.  

Min intervju i podden "Lätt svenska med Oskar"

I januari 2024 var jag med i Oskar Nyströms podd Lätt Svenska med Oskar.

Du kan följa och lyssna på hans podd på Spotify, eller via din podcast-app på din mobiltelefon. 

Vi hade ett roligt och fint samtal. Här kan du lyssna på avsnittet med mig!

learn swedish online

Learn Swedish Online

sedan 2007

Språk bygger broar. Genom språket kommer man närmare människor och förstår mer om ett lands samhälle och kultur.

Swedish study tips

Free Swedish resources


Your Swedish Teachers

Dina svensklärare

learn swedish online

Dr Anneli Beronius Haake
Founder & Director

Swedish teacher, author of the best seller book Teach Yourself Complete Swedish, founder of Swedish Made Easy. Seen on BBC Two as the Swedish Teacher in Twinstitute. 

Anneli is passionate about helping people learn Swedish online. She is particularly interested in speaking confidence and  pronunciation, and has created the famous course Speak Like a Swede with Stefan Holmström.


learn swedish online

Daniel Lind
Teaching Associate

Swedish Teacher, translator and author. Translated the book Short Stories in Swedish for Beginners.  

Daniel leads the Swedish Made Easy språkkafé online and has a special interest in reading and writing skills.


Stefan vocal coach

Stefan Holmström
Project Associate

Professional opera singer and voice trainer. Involved in the course Tone Your Swedish, and also creating workshops and events on Swedish pronunciation. 


Student reviews

What people say?

I needed to learn Swedish to speak with my in-laws

I have been learning Swedish online with Anneli for over one year now, averaging a couple of hours each week. Being married to a Swede and spending regular vacations in Sweden it was always important to me to be able to converse in Swedish with the in-laws, friends and locals in Sweden, and now I have the confidence to at least attempt to do so (and even sing the occasional “snapsvisa”!).

Gives me nuances of Swedish culture

Outside the textbooks and written exercises, the lessons with Anneli are a great opportunity to explore the nuances of Swedish culture and language, and Anneli regularly introduces materials that will help with my learning and maintain my interest. Being based in Asia, the timing of the lessons work well as I can generally choose lesson times after working hours.

I began feeling competent

Swedish lessons with Daniel have propelled me at a pace much faster than I had expected. I had been taking lessons in person with a local teacher, but it wasn’t until I switched to sessions with Daniel that I began feeling competent and seeing progress. He is such an excellent balance of challenging and patient, and always encouraging. For someone like me starting from the beginning, he is the best choice.

He guides me through the content

Our lessons are a mix of homework review, textbook lessons, reading articles in Swedish and going through worksheets he’s made himself. He guides me through the content, but also listens to the areas I want to focus on and factors them in to the curriculum. After 30+ hours of lessons, I couldn’t be happier to have him as a teacher!

Learn Swedish with Swedish music

Följ min spellista på Spotify och lyssna på svensk musik!

Musik från 60-, 70-, 80-, 90-, och 2000+ talet. Alla genrer.

Leta upp texterna på internet (eller ‘lyrics videos’ på YouTube) och sjung med!