How to say the Swedish SJ-sound

The Swedish SJ-sound When you’re learning Swedish, you’ll pretty soon come across the SJ-sound. Or ‘ɧ’, as it is symbolised. Most learners first encounter this sound in the number 7 = sju. Some Swedish learners find this sound hard to pronounce, and others find it a bit easier. It depends on what your mother tongue […]

Swedish vowels – Å, Ä, Ö

Would you like to learn or improve how to actually say those last three confusing letters in the Swedish alphabet? We’re talking about the Swedish vowels Å Ä Ö. Swedish has 9 vowels in the alphabet! Apart from the ‘extra’ letters Å Ä Ö, we also consider Y as a vowel. And all our 9 […]

How to create plural endings in Swedish


Are you confused about all the different plural endings in Swedish? In this blog post we’ll look at the different forms and groups so you can create and identify plural endings. There is also a free download of a noun plural cheat sheet, so you can print it out and put up somewhere as a reminder!