DISCLAIMER: This website contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support my language school and allows me to continue to create resources and materials for learning Swedish. Thank you for the support! Everything on this website is based on information I have learned from my own experience as a teacher, online resources and books I have read. Please do your own research before making any important decisions. You and only you are responsible for any and all purchasing decisions you make.
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Sign up to my newsletter and take our test to find out where you are on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for vocabulary and grammar.
You’ll also receive an email with recommendations for how you can improve your Swedish.
Swedish Learning Book Recommendations
The Perfect Self-study book

Anneli’s famous Swedish self-study book. A must have!
Can be used for structured self-studying, or as a grammar reference book alongside other courses. Perfect complement for using languages apps, like Duolingo and Babbel. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Learn by fun reading

Especially written for students from high-beginner (A2) to low-intermediate level (B1/2), designed to give a sense of achievement, a feeling of progress and most importantly – enjoyment! Click on the button (affiliate link):
The best verb reference book

I always recommend this book to all students A2 and beyond.
Contains over 2000 common Swedish verbs, A to Ö, in all 5 major forms (infinitive, imperative, present, past and supine). Also has English translation and which group every verb belongs to. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Swedish idioms and sayings

This fun book has some of the most common proverbs, set phrases, comparisons, word pairs and even phrasal verbs where the meaning can be difficult to deduce. Click on the link (affiliate link):
Rivstart A1A2 textbok

The popular Rivstart text book for level A1A2. All instructions are in Swedish, so it’s not designed for self-study, but can be used in lessons with a teacher. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Rivstart A1A2 övningsbok

The popular Rivstart exercise book for level A1A2. All instructions are in Swedish, so it’s not designed for self-study, but can be used in lessons with a teacher. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Rivstart B1B2 textbok

The popular Rivstart text book for level B1B2. All instructions are in Swedish, so it’s not designed for self-study, but can be used in lessons with a teacher. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Rivstart B1B2 övningsbok

The popular Rivstart exercise book for level B1B2. All instructions are in Swedish, so it’s not designed for self-study, but can be used in lessons with a teacher. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Rivstart B2C1 textbok

The popular Rivstart text book for level B2C1. All instructions are in Swedish. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Rivstart B2C1 övningsbok

The popular Rivstart exercise book for level B2C1. All instructions are in Swedish. Click on the button (affiliate link):
Professional Swedish at work

Learn how to use Swedish confidently at work.
Suitable for level B1 and above. Includes access to online resources and exercises. Click on the button (affiliate link):
I was wondering if you can suggest some books that would helpful for A1 and 2 level
Rivstart A1A2 if you are studying with a teacher. Teach Yourself Complete Swedish if you are studying on your own (as it is written in English).
how many books does complete Swedish contain?
Hej! Teach Yourself Complete is the name of a book. Here it is: https://swedishmadeeasy.com/teach-yourself-complete-swedish
Hey there! I currently have Teach Yourself – Complete Swedish. I just wanted to say that this is an amazing book, one of the few language books that I literally adore. However, I am currently looking for Enjoy Swedish – is this not available anymore? I cannot seem to find it anywhere and I would like to step up with my Swedish. Tack så mycket!
Hello! Thank you very much for your message. Lovely to hear you’re enjoying Complete Swedish. I’m afraid Enjoy Swedish has not been written yet… So earliest that will be available is probably late 2021 or 2022. Sorry, this was probably not what you wanted to hear. 🙁 On a positive note, we’ll be opening up several of our online courses this spring, so keep an eye out for them. And also, if you haven’t already, come and join our Facebook study group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/learnswedishwithswedishmadeeasy/ Best wishes – Anneli
I wondered this as well because there’s a photo of Enjoy Swedish on the back of Complete Swedish! I thought it was already out. Thanks.
Good day. After completing https://swedishmadeeasy.com/teach-yourself-complete-swedish can I go straight to Rivstart B2+C1 manual? Thanks
Hej! That’s difficult to say as I don’t know what exact level you’re at. I might recommend having a look at Rivstart B1B2 first and see how that feels. Also, if you’ve only used Complete Swedish on your own, you will need conversation/speaking practice with a teacher (or a friendly Swede) as well as writing practice with feedback.