Popular Swedish courses

Not sure which course to pick for your level?

Now Drive We: Learn how to actually think in Swedish through literal translations. Decoding, Active Listening, Passive Listening, smart (literal) flashcards, Live Q&A’s for support, and an exclusive online community. In English with Swedish examples/audio. Perfect for beginners and early intermediates who want to move away from the Duolingo phase. Requires the Teach Yourself Complete Swedish course book.

Now Roll We: the sequel to Now Drive We. Perfect for late beginners and intermediates. 

Tone Your Swedish: Unlock the secrets of impeccable pronunciation, authentic Swedish rhythm and intonation, and develop the ability to speak Swedish with finesse. Detailed anatomical insights into all Swedish phonemes, including unique MRI videos and lip/tongue coordination exercises. Stress and melody practice as well as dialect variations. In Swedish with English and Swedish subtitles. Suitable for all levels. 

Swedish Verbs 101 Bootcamp: Memorise the most important verbs in all forms – once and for all. No more doubting or guessing. Great way to take a leap forward in speaking, writing and listening confidence. Intensive self-study course with unique bootcamp method, using unique circuit style training in Quizlet + warm ups and cool downs. Requires 6-8 hours of intensive studying per week, for 5 weeks. Suitable for A2, B1 and B2 (you need to have an idea of some of the verb forms to make the most of this course). Q&A videos in English with Swedish examples. Materials in Swedish and English.

100 Svenska Adjektiv: Learn 100 Swedish adjectives and spice up your Swedish. Compact course with combined vocabulary and extensive grammar exercises. Suitable for A2, B1 and B2+. In Swedish and English.

Swedish Grammar Made Easy: Overview course of foundational Swedish grammar rules – perfect complement to Duolingo. Do it in your own time, as and when. Suitable for total beginners, A1 and A2. Cheat sheets available as mobile/desktop wallpapers. Also suitable for intermediate learners who need a recap on the basics of Swedish grammar. In English with Swedish examples.

Swedish ÅÄÖ + SJ: Introductory pronunciation course. Suitable for anyone, beginners in particular. In English with Swedish examples.

Swedish Vowels Masterclasses: 3 Actionable Masterclasses. All Swedish vowels (long and short sounds – 18 in total), anatomy awareness training, practice your speaking muscles. Suitable for anyone. In English with Swedish examples. 

Teach Yourself Complete Swedish Book: Suitable for beginners who want to mainly do self-studying, or those who are doing a course but feel they need more grammar instructions. Also perfect for those who have dabbled with Duolingo etc, and now want to get a bit more serious about their Swedish learning. Perfect together with NOW DRIVE WE and NOW ROLL WE.

1-to-1 lessons with us: beginners, intermediate and advanced

Snacka Fritt: träna på att prata svenska i liten grupp på Zoom. Passar för B1 och högre nivåer.

Take a free online test to find your Swedish level!

Undrar du vilken nivå din svenska ligger på just nu? 

Anmäl dig till mitt nyhetsbrev och ta testet för att se var du ligger på den Gemensamma Europeiska Referensramen för Språk för vokabulär och grammatik. 

Du får också ett mejl med rekommendationer för hur du kan förbättra din svenska.

Get your level and recommendations

Wondering what your Swedish level is right now?

Sign up to my newsletter and take our test to find out where you are on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for vocabulary and grammar.

You’ll also receive an email with recommendations for how you can improve your Swedish. 

Swedish Courses Online Currently Open


Learn Swedish. Literally.

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for beginners and late beginners

Learn through literal English translations in a brain-friendly way. 

Perfect for complete and early beginners, as well as learners who struggle to learn vocab and/or understand when Swedes speak.

Decode Swedish along with Anneli, learn Swedish pronunciation and reductions, and practice Active & Passive Listening.

*Self-paced with live support*


The Sequel to NOW DRIVE WE

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for late beginners and early intermediates

Learn through literal English translations in a brain-friendly way. 

Perfect for late beginners and early intermediates, as well as learners who struggle to learn vocab and/or understand when Swedes speak.

Decode Swedish along with Anneli, learn Swedish pronunciation and reductions, and practice Active & Passive Listening.

*Self-paced with live support*


Unlock Swedish pronunciation and melody

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for all levels

Our comprehensive course, Tone Your Swedish, unlocks the secrets of impeccable pronunciation, authentic Swedish rhythm and intonation, and the ability to speak Swedish with finesse.

*Comprehensive framework*

Tone Your Swedish

100 Svenska Adjektiv

Spice up your Swedish

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for intermediates

Adjectives help us describe. Without adjectives, language becomes quite dull.

In this course, you will learn 100 common Swedish adjectives. You will learn the forms of adjectives (basic form, T-form, and A-form). You will also have example sentences for all forms, along with additional comments on meaning, exceptions, and suggestions for which prepositions that can be used. Plus plenty of exercises.

*Self-paced exercise course*

Swedish Grammar Made Easy

The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Swedish Grammar

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for beginners and early intermediates

Have you started learning Swedish, but soon realised that you don’t even know the grammar rules in your own language?

Are you not quite sure what adverbs, conjunctions or prepositions are?

*Self-paced reference course*

Swedish Verbs 101 Bootcamp

Nail the most important verbs once and for all!

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for late beginners and intermediates

Our popular 5 week intense bootcamp course. Follow our unique training programme with exercises circuits to nail 50 verbs in all 5 forms.

*Intensive course with deadline*


Introductory Course on how to pronounce ÅÄÖ + SJ

➡️ HIGHLY recommended for beginners

How DO you pronounce ÅÄÖ?!

The last three letters of the Swedish alphabet.

Are they just A’s and an O with some umlauts above?

And that hissing SJ-sound, you can just say it like a ‘H’, surely?


Let us show you what’s really going on…

*Self-paced introduction course*

Swedish Courses Online Currently closed

Swedish Time Expressions Pro

No more guessing, no more doubting!

Learn, remember, pronounce and understand Swedish time expressions and time prepositions with confidence. 

*Completely self-paced course*

Suitable for A2 and above
Currently closed


Our Unique and Critically Acclaimed Comprehensive Course on Swedish Pronunciation

Would you like to improve your Swedish pronunciation?

Never got the hang of how to say sjuksköterska, or what the difference is between Å, Ä and Ö?

Or when G or K is pronounced hard or soft?

Feel unsure of where to stress a word when you pronounce it?

*Completely self-paced course*

Suitable for everyone
Currently closed

learn swedish pronunciation
learn swedish prounciation online


Learn the missing piece from SFI, Folkuniversitetet, Duolingo and other Swedish courses

You speak Swedish. You’ve done some hard work with your grammar and vocabulary. But when you speak Swedish, the vowels just doesn’t SOUND right… What you need is a system for how the Swedish sounds are actually created. Physically. In your vocal tract.When you’ve learnt how to work with your lips, tongue and larynx, you will begin to FEEL (not just hear) how Swedish vowels actually sound.

*6 months access to recorded workshops*

Suitable for everyone
Currently closed

learn Swedish pronunciation

Secrets to Swedish Writing (intermediate+ to advanced)

Learn to write ‘personligt brev’, formal and informal emails, and opinion texts.

This course is perfect for intermediate and more advanced learners (B1 and above), who wish to improve their written Swedish.

*Group + individual study*

Suitable for B1+ and over
Currently closed

Swedish Pronunciation Workshop

Unique pronunciation workshop with opera singer and Estill Voice Trainer Stefan Holmström

*2 hour Live Workshop*

Suitable for everyone
Currently closed

Swedish Courses Online

Lär dig svenska med Swedish Made Easy