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How to Start Thinking in Swedish (And Why It’s the Key to Fluency)

How can you start thinking in Swedish? Learning a new language can be exciting but also frustrating at times. One of the biggest challenges learners face is translating in their heads. You might think something in English, quickly try to translate it to Swedish, and then hope your translation is correct before you speak. Does this sound familiar?

What if I told you that the real key to fluency is not about translating at all, but about thinking in Swedish?

Imagine responding to someone in Swedish without pausing to translate every word in your mind. You’d sound more natural, you’d feel more confident, and conversations would flow much more smoothly. That’s the goal—to think in Swedish, and I’m here to show you how.

In this blog, we’ll explore why thinking in Swedish is so important and how my course, Now Drive We, can help you get there.

Why Translation Isn’t the Best Approach

Many people start learning Swedish by translating words from English to Swedish. It seems logical at first—after all, you’re familiar with English, so why not build upon that foundation? The problem is, Swedish and English have different word orders, grammatical structures, and idiomatic expressions. So when you translate word-for-word, you often end up with “Swenglish”—phrases that don’t make sense to a native speaker.

For example, in English, we say “I am going to the store.” But in Swedish, it’s “Jag ska till affären.” If you were to translate the English version word-for-word, you might end up with “Jag är gå till butiken,” which sounds awkward and incorrect in Swedish.

Not only does translation slow you down, but it can also confuse you when trying to understand or create sentences. This is especially true when you encounter phrases that don’t have a direct English equivalent, or when you’re trying to grasp Swedish sentence structures like SVO (subject-verb-object) and V2 word order (the second element must be a verb).

The Power of Thinking in Swedish

So how do you overcome this? The answer is simple—start thinking in Swedish. This means training your brain to associate Swedish words directly with objects, actions, and feelings, without going through English first.

When you think in Swedish, your brain builds connections between Swedish words and their meanings. This helps you respond faster, understand more accurately, and avoid the pitfall of direct translation. Over time, you’ll stop relying on English as a crutch, and your Swedish will become more fluid.

Take common Swedish phrases like “Det var så lite” (It was nothing) or “Vad roligt!” (How fun!). These phrases don’t translate exactly word-for-word into English, but once you start thinking in Swedish, you’ll understand how they fit naturally into everyday conversation.

How the Birkenbihl Method Can Help You Think in Swedish

Enter the Birkenbihl method—a brain-friendly approach to language learning that helps you bypass the need for translation by focusing on how the language is actually structured. In my course, Now Drive We, I use this method to teach you Swedish through decoding.

Decoding means breaking down Swedish sentences into their literal English translations so you can see how the language is put together. For example, in Swedish, “Jag ska till affären” becomes “I shall to the store.” You can see the direct translation while getting a feel for the Swedish word order and structure. This way, your brain starts thinking in Swedish naturally.

The Birkenbihl method is designed to be engaging and intuitive, making it easier for you to understand grammar, vocabulary, and syntax without relying on rote memorisation or tedious exercises.

Decode Swedish

Building a Solid Foundation with Now Drive We

Learning to think in Swedish is all about building a strong foundation. In Now Drive We, I provide a complete Swedish learning programme that helps you master the building blocks of the language. You’ll learn over 700 words and phrases, along with the key grammar rules that will allow you to form sentences naturally.

By focusing on decoding, active listening, and passive listening, the course helps you internalize Swedish without constantly having to refer back to English. You’ll also get regular feedback through live Q&A sessions, so you can ask any questions and get personal guidance.

By the end of the course, you won’t just know how to translate words from English to Swedish—you’ll be able to think in Swedish, which will make you a more confident, fluent speaker.


The transition from translating in your head to thinking in Swedish is one of the most rewarding steps in your language learning journey. It’s what makes conversations flow more easily and helps you feel more at home with the language.

With the Now Drive We course, you can take this step with a method that’s engaging, brain-friendly, and designed to help you build a strong foundation in Swedish. Don’t wait—start thinking in Swedish today, and see how much easier and more enjoyable your learning experience can be.


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Dr Anneli Beronius Haake

swedish teacher

Founder & Director, Author and Course Creator. Music maker & Dog Lover.

Anneli Beronius Haake

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